The Poker Bluff
When you bluff, you are trying to get someone to believe that you hold a strong hand. Value bet when you are trying to present a bad hand that actually have. Although these two things may sound like something completely opposite, basically the principle is the same. This is the reason that I decided to discuss both the term in one article.
When is the best time to bluff?
Many people have asked me before "When is the best time to bluff?" To understand this, you first need to consider worst-case situations in which to bluff. How to bet your opponent will be interpreted as very strong hand that will make you give up? Answers to these questions have answers to when to bluff. If you take AA in this situation, then maybe your opponent would do it. So before you get to cast a strong card, you must understand how you would play your. If you do not know how uncomfortable situation when holding a higher pair, then you can not simulate this situation for your opponent. You, however, should always be sure that the bluff player who actually is able to waive the strong hand. So this is a bluff when your opponent was the aggressor.The simplest example of a bluff when you are actually the aggressor was well known C-bet. You have a floppy and you have missed. Longer bets and make your opponent fails. This is just a bluff (sometimes even with the best hand). Something that is slightly more advanced players is a double bluff. Triple bluff is logical for the most advanced and therefore this is where the Fire and third of the River bluff. You must, however be careful that your opponent, you simply pay with a strong hand and if you set a trap while you do all of these bets. To bluff well, you should have a good estimate on your opponents.
Not make much sense to explain 50 different situations and what would be a good bluff in each of them. Each situation is different and to make your bluff successful, you need only one thing - appraisal of your opponents. You must know what keeps your opponent in order to get him to renounce his hand. When you play lower limits, you will find difficult (if available) a player who throws Asa. So low levels there is no need to bluff so because the players either way will give you your money. Will also need to mix my game to win money. At higher levels you go, the more you need to bluff and to mix my game. And do not make the mistake of trying to bluff at any sweat. Think of what hand you can set your opponent and how to develop it on board. If frightening card (the hand you think he is), then it's time to bluff. Watch the game through the eyes of your opponent.
Core objective of the bluff is to win money, which are in pot. Not about who has the biggest balls of poker. Show only bluff if you will lead to a result in future. For example, you usually play very tight, but you want to be paid over your hands. This example is somewhat strange and should be used only to higher limits. Furthermore, such a move should be your goal of making more money, but this does not mean you have to grant all your moves on your opponents.
Value betting
Value betting is basically the same principle. It aims to extract maximum profit from the hand. Everyone knows the situation where a pass River (after you betting on floppy and tarna) with on board with the highest card and your opponent shows. You can win more in the hand than you actually won. Making another bet here River is a typical value bet. You know you have the best hand and want to insert more money into the pot. Many people think that Value bet is always 40-60% of the pot, but this is a mistake. Sometimes the best bet is a all-in. If the flash becomes possible to River and you have a higher pair on board possible, but not put their opponent flash project, which has become, and the lower pair, you can simply continue to bet. So as in the bluff, it depends on the discretion of the player.The first thing to do is make sure keep better hand than your opponent. Then you should calculate the maximum amount he would pay with his hand. Not always choose the easy option to pass to the River.
This article is slightly shorter than the others. I can not give any examples of good bluff or value bet. Surely every situation is different from the sweat and sweat, both the limit and limit. The only thing I can describe my thought process is. Thus you learn to think for themselves and their own situations to calculate things, not only to know how to otigraete very specific situation. Bluff and value bet learn with experience, making mistakes and improving the assessment of opponents. The exact amount or the value bet in the frequency that you can bluff potovete are different for each site and each limit. Pay attention to the situations in which you bluff or bet to pay River.