The Rise of Anti Social Networks?

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Maybe this is inevitable, as there's usually a backlash to everything at some stage or the other and with reports continuously circulating regarding the demise of social media it was indeed only a matter of time before something of an opposite nature showed up, so meet Cloak. Cloak is what's being termed as an anti-social network, an app that's currently available for iOS devices and one that allows you to avoid people that you'd rather not see, or be seen with. There's a little bit of technological wizardry gone into the making of Cloak and when you download the app you may connect it to Foursquare and Instagram, with other networks being added as soon as possible, and then Cloak provides you with a pretty detailed map on which you may see where your 'friends' are.

You can set up alerts for when people you'd rather not see are in your vicinity and one of the creators Chris Baker stated in the Washington Post that, "Personally, I think we've seen the crest of the big social network, things like Twitter and Facebook are packed elevators where we're all crammed in together … I think anti-social stuff is on the rise. You'll be seeing more and more of these types of projects." It is certainly an interesting project and maybe it's time that we were given the opportunity to politely avoid people rather than bump into the boss after a few drinks, or the ex partner with your new can see its uses. Baker has developed another anti-social app called Hate With Friends that allows you connect to your FB account, click on the friends you hate and should they do the same both find out.