Juicy Stakes take on Yet More Revolution Rooms

Juicy Stakes Casino

With the news that all US players from four skins associated with Cake Poker being moved over to Juicy Stakes it comes as no surprise that the site has been given a good revamp and there are new promotions and a general feel good factor over there at the moment. US players from Cake Poker, Colt, Hi Life and Fugu were migrated to Juicy Stakes over night and the process seems to have gone very well. This means that these US players will no longer be able to login to their respective accounts and all account information, along with balances is now over at Juicy Stakes. The players will have to download the client and then simply use their old login details and they are good to go. Juicy Stakes is part of the Revolution Gaming network and this is an attempt by Cake to ring fence its' European players, similar to what Bodog did with Bovada. Customers have all been notified of the changes and it will be interesting to see how this move could make Juicy Stakes grow in the future. They have started off brightly with the new site and the new Gold Fest 100K tourney series should keep their new players happy and at the felt.