Ruben Visser Wins PokerStars EPT London Main Event

Ruben Visser became the fifth Dutchman to win the European Poker Tour London Main Event and it was a hard battle with some tough players making it to the final table. Visser, a 24 year old student managed to see off the eight players whilst long time chip leader Steve O'Dwyer came home in fifth place. PokerStars hosted a great event in London and plenty of the pros turned up, and lets not forget that last week here, Team PokerStars took on and beat the Full Tilt Pros, so you get the picture on the type of event this was. There was plenty of cash to be won too and winner Visser pocketed a cool £595,000....lets see how the final table panned out.

EPT London Final Table

Surprisingly the first player to go to the rails was one of the better known players in Chris Moorman, however he did start fairly short stacked. The British player ended up with everything in holding pocket sevens against the A, K of PokerStars Pro Theo Jorgensen. The flop went badly for the Brit as Theo hit 2 pair and Moorman was left with little chance of recovery taking £57,000 to the bank. It wasn't a good start for British players and the next to go was fellow countryman Tamer Kamel beat by Olof Haglund and his pair of Q's leaving six players at the table. It was after the elimination of Kamel that Visser made his move. Up against Christopher Frank with Frank holding A,K it was a huge pot win for the Dutchman. Frank pushed all in and Visser holding pocket 9's had no choice but to call it. Nothing of worth came on the board for the German and Visser strolled into second place. It wasn't a bad day at the office for Frank however as he won £112,000 in only his second EPT event. At the start of the final table the chip leader was the American player Steve O'Dwyer and sadly for him it just wasn't his day. His stack was hit hard on a coin flip of a hand against Haglund and shortly afterwards he raised massively against Jorgensen who took the hand with pocket A's. O'Dwyer doesn't have much luck at the EPT London and finished up in 2nd place at last years event, however he did add a nice £146,000 and an impressive 5th place to his list. With four players left it was the PokerStars pro who was next to go. Jorgensen tried his luck with an A,8 but that held no water against the 4's of Visser and we were down to the final three players.

The Final Three

Going into the final three players there wasn't much difference in stack size and Visser was holding a small lead against Haglund and Visockis. It was soon to be down to just the two and Haglund was the man to go. Visser again did the damage with an A,8 with Haglund holding a K,J and the Ace held out. Into heads up play now and this took over 2 hours with Visser eventually coming out on top. With Visser now holding a huge chip lead Visockis did well and did manage to close the gap at times however just after the second break Visser gained momentum and took the title in what was yet another coin flip of a hand. Visser holding A,Q had Visockis all in with a pair of tens and wouldn't you know it, Visser hit a Q on the river taking the title and the cash. Visockis too £377,436 for his well deserved second place but the spoils went to Visser who added £595,000 to his stash, and of course the title of EPT London Main Event Winner 2013. The EPT now moves on to Berlin and we'll bring you details of the big one there too. .