WSOP Europe Moves to Paris

The WSOP Europe is gaining popularity with more high profile players buying in to the event every year. Since its' inception it has steadily grown and 2013 sees it visiting a new venue...The romantic city of Paris. For the past two years the WSOPE has been hosted down in the south of France in beautiful Cannes, and it's just a short hike North for the players next year as they get to take in the sights of one of Europe's most popular cities. WSOP Executive Director Ty Stewart stated, "Part of our vision for WSOP Europe is to mix poker and pleasure, and introduce players to some of the most exciting destinations in Europe". Well Paris certainly fits that bill and players will get to visit some of the most famous attractions in the world, such as Notre Dame (that's the Cathedral, not the university in the US!), the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower to name but a few. Satellites and extensive TV coverage are being planned for the perfect dates so as not to clash with other big events and the organizers are more than happy with what they have seen with the facilities on offer. It's an event to look forward to, and is sure to be a success, keeping the WSOP Europe rolling on!