Lock Poker Opens Own Player Forum

Lock Casino
The US poker site Lock Poker, a skin on the Revolution Network has opened a private forum and has ended all support on the popular 2+2 poker forum. The new forum is available to Lock players only and is limited to those players who have raked a minimum of $100 and is accessible via the players web accounts. Shane Bridges a Lock Poker rep stated that, “It became clear to us that a public forum was an ineffective way for us to communicate with our players, by creating this private forum we can communicate in a more direct and efficient way to handle true players concerns.” He added that, “Every post is linked to a player account therefore we are able to fix issues immediately.” This comes as a little bit of a shock as Lock advertised regularly on the forum, however more recently after experiencing a few support issues ties had become a little dis-jointed.

The forum will now be found by search engines either, and Lock states that they only want the forum visible to real Lock players with real issues. The announcement was actually posted by Bridges on the 2+2 forum and he said that, “All future questions and concerns should be directed to Lock’s forums. We have advised the owners of 2+2 of our departure and let them know we will no longer be participating in this forum.” Bridges has worked hard on the forum recently and has replied to many Lock posters regarding the issues surrounding delayed payments and the segregation of players on the Revolution Network, however it appears that his work is done there. The new Lock forum is good news in some ways in that players will get a direct 1 to 1 answer without other players throwing in their opinions, and for those players who haven't raked the $100 needed to use the forum, then they may use regular support channels.