The Revolution Network has made a few changes of late. Higher stakes cash games are now only available on the networks flagship site Lock Poker and you won't find them on other skins. Shane Bridges, speaking on behalf of the network stated that, “We offer all the same stakes as everyone on the network but we have partitioned some of our higher stakes based on our current size and our soft poker ecology to better care for our players.” There was a mention of other skins being a little grinder heavy and rumors that the separation of high/low stakes tables was because of disputes between Lock and a few skins, however we have seen or heard nothing that suggests this and it's business as usual on the network. Bridges added that the move was made for the good of all saying that, “Despite everyone's assumptions that Lock is only in this for a quick buck we are actually trying to keep building for the future and this was a part of this.”
Lock Poker Ecology
Since Lock relaunched the Cake network as Revolution back in May 2012 it has grown its players base slowly and other companies such as Bodog have noted that grinders can have an effect on the overall poker ecology and therefore introduce their anonymous tables. This does handles things in a different way however. The changes at Revolution were initially put in on a trial basis but have now been around a while and to our knowledge there have been no complaints about it. The change means that all cash games that are above $1/$2 and fixed limit games will only be found on Lock, and things will stay this way for the foreseeable future. There will always be disputes between networks and skins that sit on them and ultimately the network will have the final say on matters although players pay a huge part in it. Should players make enough noise about the changes then it becomes a different matter, and at present there are only whispers on forums.