Poker Tournaments

Americas Cardroom
Poker, to the outside viewer, seems to be like a very simple game that relies solely on luck. For the avid poker player however, poker is an art form, having to disguise emotions, fake out other players, know when and how to raise or fold, within other skills. An experienced player, most of the time, will always beat out a nai"ve new player that has watched too many poker shows on TV. However, with online poker, the strategies slightly change to adapt to the new environment where you do not get to see the opponents face or gestures. For the new, inexperienced player it is always good to have a strategy, a proven system that will allow them to level the playing field when the cards have been dealt. These tips will help the beginner, as well as the veteran, player have a basic strategy to start winning. These tips are based off and to be used during Texas Hold ’em tournaments.

Introduction Tips

Most avid poker players want to play the new players, all because most players like playing against inexperienced players to earn their money. Most of these players along with some playing tips, you can find on online gambling sites like those recommended in our site, and many other US friendly sites.

Starting Hand

One of the most important decisions a poker player has to make is whether or not they are going to play with the pocket cards they were dealt; the pocket cards are the initial cards that each player is dealt. More often than not, a strong starting hand will get stronger, while a weak hand will get weaker as the game progresses. Picking the right hand is the sign of a good poker player. The starting hands are divided into four sections, Premium, Strong, Playable, and Barely Playable hands. The premium hand is mainly comprised of high pairs, AA, KK, QQ, JJ, and AK suited. Obviously the higher the pair, the more aggressive the player can be. Strong hands have a wider range, AQ suited down through A10 suited, pair of 10’s or 9’s, and AK through AJ off-suit. Other big, two card, suited hands are also considered to be strong hands. Playable hands are middle pairs, 77 or 88, suited connectors like 89s. There is also the A with any other suited number and J10 off suit. However, with these hands the player may want to pay to see the flop as cheaply as possible, or else the player may want to fold if facing raises. Smaller pairs and small suited connectors like 45’s tend to have a very low success rate. Any other cards should be an automatic fold.

The Flop

The flop is when the first 3 cards are laid down, and will make up the most of the players hand. There are three different kinds of flops that could help the player. Flopping a good hand, a draw hand, and a great hand; there could also be the possibility of there being a flop that does not help at all. A good flop would be when you have Top pair or better, and the player can be aggressive with the betting. The draw flop is when there is a possibility of a getting a straight or a flush, the player should use the pot odds to determine whether or not to bet. Drawing a great hand would be considered if you get a set, a full house, four of a kind or a nut-flush. The player could start slow playing in order to get more money into the pot, to later increase the bets when the stakes are higher. If the flop does not help at all, the player can use check and fold.

The Turn and the River

The turn is when the 4th card is laid down, and the betting limits doubled. If the player had a marginal hand and it does not help, they should consider folding. If the player is slow playing a great hand, this is where they should bet bigger. Any other assortment of card choices, such as JJ or QQ, and the turn does not help, it depends on how risky the player feels whether to bet or fold. The River card is the last card and seals the deal. If the player has gotten to this point, there is enough in the pot already to take a good amount of money. Betting big here is usually seen more often, and depending on the hand, the player needs to assess whether the others have a better hand or are bluffing.


This guide is set out to help beginners get a grasp of poker and how it should be played. As they gain experience, they can start relying on their instinct and less on the norms. Poker is not only about the cards that are in front of you, but also about reading people and their actions.