Anonymous Tables Rolled out on All iPoker Skins

Mansion Casino

Like them or loathe them it looks like anonymous tables are going to be around for some time, if not for good. Last week we reported that the iPoker Network had started offering the anonymous table option on Titan Poker and after just a short period of testing now they are available on most skins on the network. All rooms in iPoker top tier will be offering them as well as new additions to the network Everest and Betfair Poker. Players in those rooms will be given an update to the latest client, and voila they will be there. The tables are not available across the board however and only no limit games in heads up, 6 player and 9 player tables from 2 to 100 will offer the option. In a statement a spokesman for the network says that further additional limits and games may be available at a later date based on player feedback, "We will pay a close attention to the feedback and requests brought to us by our players' community, and adjust to meet their needs, in order to provide them with the best poker experience out there."

I'm sure we've all read at least a little about these types of tables where instead of being recognized at the table by a username players are simply given a number relating to the seat that they are in. It's a growing trend and after Bodog launched them a short time ago more rooms have followed suit with Party and Microgaming both now having this option available. The jury is still very much out on whether they are a good or bad thing for the game in general, with rooms saying that they will improve the ecology of any given network. The argument in favor of the tables also states that they will increase the smaller players lifespan at the tables and won't get beaten by the bigger players as regularly or as quickly. Players against the idea say that it cuts out the social aspect of the game and players don't really want to be recognized by just a number. Whatever players may think of them it has to be remembered that anonymous tables are optional, it's an added feature and players will decide where they want to sit and what they want to be known as.