Mervin Chan Wins Aussie Millions Main Event

Titan Casino

Mervin Chan Takes Aussie Millions Crown

There's a new poker king down under, Mervin Chan of Malaysia. Mervin 'The Cat' Chan came out on top after a tremendous battle and went home with $1.6 million AUD, a bracelet worth $40,000 the Aussie Millions and a nice new car! A large field of 629 players from all over the globe took part on the main event and all but seven were eliminated going into the final day...and what a final day it was. Play resumed at 3 p.m on the Saturday afternoon with the highly respected high stakes player Dan Shak out in the lead, however the line up was a pretty tough on. With Chan and Shak sat Jarrod Glennon, Patrik Antonius, Joseph Cabret, David Yan and Jay Tan. The eventual winner Chan was down in fourth place at the start of play. As if the restless nights sleep wasn't enough to get the nerves jangling then the delay to the start of play due to the TV crews getting in place surely did the trick. Play eventually started at blinds of 15K/30K.

The Final Table

After around an hour of play things finally got going and Tan found herself all in against Antonius. Tan with an A,Q was a little unlucky to find Antonius with a pair of kings and with no ace coming Tan was eliminated in 7th place bagging $150,000. Play slowed right down after this with no real hands of note until around three hours later when this time Yan went all in with a pair of eights and it was kings again, this time held by Chan that did the damage and sent Yan packing in 6th place banking $220,000. Play continued and it was after midnight until the next player left with Cabret taking out Glennon hitting a fluch on the river. Glennon went to the rail in 5th place and $290,000 better off. Just after 1 a.m it was Shak, who had hardly played a hand who was heading home all in on A,6 against Cabrets A,K. The A,K held and Shak left with $400,000. Play almost died a death at this stage and the players were visibly shattered with nothing happening at the table. After 15 hours of play the decision was made to put an end to play and continue the next day, after all it was close to 6 a.m! Play resumed and Antonius played a disastrous hand leaving him well short stacked and on the next hand moved all in on the button. He was eliminated by Cabrets flush, leaving in third place and $600,000 better off. Finally we get to heads up play and only Chan and Melbourne's Joe Cabret remained. Just ten minutes into play the all in and call were heard. With Chan holding trip 8's and Cabret praying for a diamond on the river that never came it was quickly all over and Chan did it. After what must have been a totally exhausting few days Chan triumphed and 1st place was all his.

Final Table Results

  • 1st Mervin Chan - $1.6 million
  • 2nd Joe Cabret - $1 million
  • 3rd Patrick Antonius - $600,000
  • 4th Dan Shak - $400,000
  • 5th Jarrod Glennon - $290,000
  • 6th David Yan - $220,000
  • 7th Jay Tan - $150,000