Playing Poker at Home is Now Just Fine in Maryland


This week saw a welcome change to the law in the state of Maryland, and it's a law that many residents and lawmakers alike were not even aware existed. Playing poker in the comfort of your own home was until very recently illegal in Maryland and carried a maximum penalty of up to a $1,000 fine or even worse, a year behind bars. Though the law is rarely enforced and to our knowledge no-one has ever been prosecuted under it, it does however exist, however that is about to change as a bill that flew through unanimously and is being sponsored by Senator Nancy King, is heading for a vote in the Senate, and will again get the thumb's up.

Ann Suthowski of the Wicomico County Republican Committee stated that, "I'm an elected official. I usually try to keep up with the laws and I had never heard of that!" and she wasn't the only person in the state that was completely oblivious to this law. Kirill Reznik who proposed the bill explains that the law changes will mean that residents of Maryland will no longer need to worry about playing poker at home, however raking the pot or charging a fee to enter a game will be illegal, and this brings that law in the state more or less alongside many others as far as real money poker home games are concerned. The bill has no opposition from either state police or licensed casinos and is expected to fly through Senate. Online poker players in the state of Maryland do have options too, and although some online rooms do not allow players from the state, those that do include the very good BetOnline Poker and many players from all over the US enjoy their action there.