PokerStars and Delaware - Not the Perfect Match?

Poker Stars

There was plenty of news just a short time ago about the vendors that had applied to be a part of the online gaming set up in the state of Delaware. Of course much of it centered on the fact that the giant PokerStars had offered up their services to the Delaware Lottery, however on closer inspection and now that the dust has settled, it looks like this is probably not going to happen. The thinking was, by many, that the application by Stars was another step of its reintroduction to the US market, however the set up of how Delaware intends to offer it's Online Poker and gaming doesn't appear to have room for the Rational Group. There were a total of 14 companies hoping to make the cut however it looks like Stars and indeed other software providers are, or will be, left out.

Product Offerings - It's not All About Poker

The Delaware Lottery have now shown how they anticipate the new venture to work and the key is right at the top of the vendor chain and what will be classed as a primary vendor. Operations management is right there at the top and this vendor would oversee, customer service, fraud protection and player segregation and more. The whole thing comes down to product offering and although there is little doubt that Stars has superior Poker Software to any of the other applicants, poker is not the only product that will be on offer. In fact three vendors offer a much wider product range and therefore, Amaya - Bally, the 888/SCiGames group and IGT should consider themselves favorites for the primary vendor position. These three companies have products that have performed on the global online gaming stage, with pretty much seamless interaction and therefore, why would Delaware choose Stars for it's poker product and try to bolt it on to a casino with very different software, fact is, they wouldn't. SciGames has a contract in place with the Delaware lottery and has to be considered favorite and this leaves Stars, probably content with the fact that New Jersey still looks to be their best option of getting back into the US, although as we know, there is still questions to be answered in that one.