Betfair Moves to iPoker Network

Betfair Casino
Betfair has announced that it will be leaving the Ongame network and taking its players to the iPoker Network. It will be a gradual transition with, at least for a while, the two networks being utilized. New Betfair Poker will be on the iPoker Network and this will roll out on the 21st of January, yet existing players will be able to play on both networks with the Ongame network being called Classic Betfair. All players will then be moved to New Betfair in the middle of 2013 and sign ups after the 21st of January will automatically be assigned to New Betfair. iPoker is the largest poker network in the world and will offer Betfair players more tables at various stakes, bigger tournaments and is an all round better offering for the recreational player. This all means that Betfair players have six months to get play on both networks, choosing between Classic and New Betfair as and when they please. Betfair Director of Gaming Sam Hobcraft says that, "Our intention has always been to offer our customers a rewarding and varied poker experience, Launching New Betfair Poker on Playtech's platform will help us to continue to achieve this goal.” Betfair players will join the likes of William Hill, Everest Poker, Titan Poker, Poker 770 and Winner Poker, and will be placed in the top tier of iPokers two tier set up. This is seen as a good move by most as there is undoubtedly a bigger offering on iPoker and after several network moves by Betfair maybe this is finally the home that they were looking for.