Chris Reslock Wins All Time Record 7th WSOP Circuit Ring

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Just recently we bought you news of how Chris Reslock won his 6th WSOP Circuit ring and moved up to joint first place on the all time winners list with Alexandru Masek. Well, that's all changed now and Chris Reslock is now standing on his own at the very top of the heap with a cool 7 WSOP Circuit rings. Reslock made WSOP history at Harrah's Philadelphia after winning event #11, the $365 No Limit Holdem Event. It was only 3 days ago that he won the 6th ring in the same casino and his 3rd win in as many months that make this some kind of achievement. What adds to this outstanding display is that Chris Reslock plays his poker almost exclusively on the East Coast with only having played in three Circuit series this season. He states that money management is one huge part of his game, and his success and after a pretty disappointing WSOP 2012 he has cut back on his bigger buy in events and focused more on a level that he feels comfotable playing. This it appears has worked well although he admits that his current form is making him think about a trip to Vegas to this years WSOP. He will also be thinking about the National Championships as his performances at Philly mean he is in the finals as well as way out in front for the Harrah's Philadelphia Casino Championship. The top six WSOP Circuit ring holders are as follows....

  1. Chris Reslock 7 Rings
  2. Alexandru Masek 6 Rings
  3. Ari Engel 5 Rings
  4. Mark Smith 5 Rings
  5. Kurt Jewell 5 Rings
  6. Kyle Cartwright 5 Rings

As you can see, Chris is now out in front and the former taxi driver/owner from New Jersey is winning many fans along the way. His laid back approach to the game and his recent incredible form means that this 65 year old may yet to have reached the heights of his poker playing career.