Martin Zentzer Wins Biloxi WSOP Circuit Main Event

Plentiful Treasure Slots

Martin Zentzer beat a quality final table in Biloxi to take first place in the WSOP Circuit Main Event. This gave him a very nice payout of $106,455, a coveted WSOP Circuit gold ring and of course a seat in the WSOP National Championships. Overwhelmed by the win the 27 year old based in New Orleans plays part time poker and has been doing so for 8 years, and straight afterwards he said, "It feels wonderful, this is by far the biggest score I've ever had. It feels unbelievable, I'm really excited about the National Championship."

The final session of the Main Event lasted a full 12 hours and a fantastic field stood before Zentzer with 'Boston' Bob Mariano, Nolan Burton and experienced circuit player Dan Lowery all in the mix. However it was Hank Sitton who proved to be the hardest to beat, as when play hit heads up he really dug his heels in.

Superb Heads Up Battle

Play was fast and both Sitton and Zentzer watched as player after player slipped away and headed to the rails. It wasn't long before we hit heads up play and as soon as that started Zentzer thought he had 1st place and the cash in the bag. Zentzer went all in with his pair of kings against the ace king of Sitton expecting the win, and he got it, but after a chip count, Sitton was left with around 80,000 of the 6 million chips in play, and things didn't look good.

Sitton however was never going to give up easily and he kept on going, with all in bets after all in bets. He doubled up a total of 5 times, which got him around the million mark, and just as Zentzer began to panic a little on the 6th all in by Sitton his luck ran dry when he risked his stack on an ace/two against Zentzer's ace/six.

Zentzer did extremely well against such as tough field at Biloxi, and though there were indeed some great players out there, the Main Event belonged to him. "It hasn't really kicked in yet, the first prize pretty much doubles my salary in 3 nights. Aside from the money it's a great feeling to know I can go out there and play poker as a side income."