Can Storm Sandy Help Gambling Expansion?

Bodog Casino
There are many individuals and indeed active groups that are for their own reasons against any form of gambling, be it online or offline. The argument in the US will continue while bills in different states are passed around, amended and voted on for or against. However, there are a few undeniable facts. Gambling in whatever form provides entertainment, jobs and more importantly much needed tax revenue. Storm Sandy was a terrible natural disaster and as well as the financial cost to individuals, it left several states needing to raise money to help rebuild. Tax money generated from gambling could come in extremely useful in these situations and may indeed force the hand of many a Senator. New York State lawmakers were already considering an amendment to the state constitution next year, so could Storm Sandy have changed a few minds? If the change is made then New York could see Las Vegas style casinos beyond Indian owned land as early as late 2013. The tax money that could be raise could be an irresistible answer to even the most hardy gambling opponent. A point of note and one that will surely be raised by those who are for amendments is that fact that slot machines entered New York race tracks after the attacks of September 11th.