Howard Lederer Starts to Pay Up

Full Tilt

Howard Lederer Agrees Deal With US Government

Howard Lederer the former part owner of online poker giants Full Tilt, second in the world only to PokerStars has done a deal with the US government regarding the money owed due to being part of a Ponzi scheme. Mr Lederer has agreed to pay up $1.25 million along with a number of properties which goes somewhere towards paying the amount of $42.5 million that was initially ordered. This appears to be the start of the end of the Full Tilt Poker saga which started in April 2011 when Lederer and other were indicted causing the closure of the Tilt. Tilt has of course reopened its' doors to non US players and is doing extremely well since since being purchased by PokerStars with the pros and big players flooding back. Gus Hansen has returned as an ambassador and Phil Ivey is often to be found at the huge stakes tables playing as Polarizer. It will be interesting to see what happens with Lederer now, and whether any more of that $42.5 will be forthcoming from either himself or the others that were indicted. Black Friday sure threw a spanner in the works for a lot of online poker people and there are mixed opinions as to the goings on at Full Tilt, however most observers and players alike are happy that Tilt is back on the scene and that at least some of the money to account holders has been returned. US players are however still waiting on funds which are being dealt with by the US government.