Pleas For Christie to Sign Off NJ Gambling Bill

Poker Host

Pleas For Christie to Sign!

New Jersey waits with patience for Gov. Chris Christie to sign the internet gambling bill that flew through both Assembly and Senate with votes to spare, but that patience could be wearing a bit thin. With the deal seemingly done, the votes cast and everyone happy, off went the relevant paperwork to the desk of Gov. Christie and we have yet to hear anything else on the matter. Senators are calling for a signature, residents want it signed and now Atlantic City radio host and long term resident Pinky Kravitz has started to make his voice heard. Kravitz has been outspoken on behalf of many Atlantic and New Jersey residents in urging Gov. Christie to sign the bill, stating that, "There is little doubt in my mind that internet gambling would be a tremendous asset to Atlantic City's casinos. It would re-establish New Jersey as a prime site for those participating in the gambling industry". He also added that there were a few casinos up for sale in Atlantic City and the signing of the bill would increase large companies interest in making a purchase and injecting new cash into the Garden State. James Whelan, the former Atlantic City mayor along with Ray Lesniak, Jeff van Drew and New Jersey State Senate President Steve Sweeney all signed a letter to Gov. Christie last week in an attempt to get the signature they are looking for. The letter pointed to the fact that the bill would, or at least has the potential to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in additional revenue. The statement put in no uncertain terms some of the benefits, "The fact is Atlantic City has the potential to become a hub of internet gaming, which will create more jobs, more revenue for casinos, and generate funding for critical programs for senior citizens and residents with disabilities. The short term benefits would be in the form of increased economic activity, increased jobs and increased tax revenues". It all seems pretty much black and white to most and here's to seeing the bill signed off as soon as possible.