Dimitar Danchev Wins PokerStars Caribbean Adventure

Poker Stars

Dimitar Danchev Takes the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Crown

Dimitar Danchev will be a proud poker player today as not only is he the winner of the coveted PokerStars Caribbean Adventure he is the first player from Bulgaria to do so and this becomes his first major win. The PCA is the first big event of the year and players from around the globe flocked to the event in their droves. Danchev did things the hard way as going into the final table he was way down in seventh place with Jerry Wong leading on 7.4 million and Joel Micka not far behing on 6.475 million. Danchev has been close before so is well aware of the pressures of a final table, as he finished runner up in the EPT San Remo main event in 2011. That day he banked $827,232 however he took home just a little over a million more this time aorund taking his total earnings to around the $2.9 Million mark. He started the final table first session as he meant to go on and was placed all in by chip leader Wong. However having flopped a nut flush he had no hesitation in making that particular call and he double up. The first of the 8 players went out an hour and a half later when Joao Nogueira went to watch from the rails, leaving Micka with a huge lead and looking good to take 1st place. The next few eliminations came pretty quickly with Yann Dion being followed by both Crowe and Shatilov for an early drink. Soon after Roy went out in 4th place leaving just the three players. At this point, Wong had 13.12 million, Micka had 11.36 million, and Danchev was way behind the two leaders with a lowly 4.615 million. However, slowly but surely Micka and Danchev began the task of eating into Wong's stack and when an unreal runner-runner two pair, Wong left the table in 3rd place. So now it's heads up and with Micka having almost three times Danchev's stack it was going to be a tough run in for the Bulgarian. Danchev took an early big pot putting him within touching distance of Micka and after one slight setback Danchev then dominated play. They battled it out for a while and it came down to Micka's 4, 4 against Danchevs A.Q. An Ace came out on the flop and Micka was left praying for a 4 that never came leaving Danchev to pocket the $1,859,000 and go home with a rather large smile on his face.