Full Tilt Mini FTOPS Returns in January

Full Tilt

Starting on January the 6th the Full Tilt Poker Mini FTOPS XXI will make a welcome return. This great event sees 35 tourneys take place culminating in the big ones taking place on the weekend of 19th and 20th of January. There is over $35 Million at stake and up for grabs and is a must play event if you want a chance of the big win for a fraction of the regular buy in price. Regulars at Tilt will be familiar with the set up which sees the same events as FTOPS with all buy ins at around 1/10th of the cost. You can find some of your favorites right here such as Rush Poker Tourneys and the awesome Multi Entry Tournaments. Tourneys of note include the MiniFTOPS Main Event at $70 buy in, the two day event which features a $200 buy in, along with the $24 No Limit Holdem 6 Max Knockout. The worlds fastest poker tourneys, Rush Poker feature high on the agenda in this series with seven events scheduled and there are ten Multi Entry tournaments giving you double or even triple the chance of winning. You may buy in directly to any event or play in one of the many satellites that are to be found in the lobby. As well as the huge amount of cash on offer there are some very cool prizes to be had. All players that reach a final table in any Mini FTOPS event will walk away wearing a limited edition Full Tilt Mini FTOPS jacket, winners will receive a special Tilt sweater as well as having a sweet silver avatar to show everyone just who they are, and don't forget the prize money. To play in this fantastic event, make sure you have the software downloaded, and a Tilt account up and running. You then go to the Options menu and select Lobby View - Standard View. In the browse area click on Tournaments and the FTOPS. Simply find the event you want to play in and you're done.