Rafa Nadal in First Tournament Win!

Poker Stars
OK, so this article is just a little bit of fun, but we thought it would be nice to give Rafa Nadal credit where credit is due. When PokerStars launched their Spanish site they of course needed a recognizable face to launch it and give it the push they were after. They got arguably the most recognizable face in Spain and Tennis superstar Rafael Nadal. Nadal has made quiet a name for himself on the court, winning Grand Slams all over the world and appearing in international marketing campaigns from automobiles to sportswear. A few eyebrows were raised when Stars took the plunge and announced he would be the dot.es ambassador for them, but maybe he is taking the role a little more seriously lately. He has taken his winning ways on the court with him to the felt and last week saw him win his first every tournament. He won 152 Euros in a 10 Euro buy in, beating the 47 player field. OK, we did say it was a bit of fun! He is without doubt one of the richest sports stars on the planet so the extra cash probably doesn't mean that much to him, but all sportsmen and women have that 'need to win' streak in them and Rafa will have taken a lot of pride in the win. He has been out of tennis for a while with a pretty serious injury and has had a little more time to practice of late, he even managed a decent finish in the Spanish ESCOOP festival. Whilst it's pretty clear that Nadal will still be making his living through tennis for a fair few years to come, it's good to see that he is taking his game seriously. He needs a little more practice and winning a 10 Euro buy in is a far cry from becoming a great player, but with a winning mentality like he has, you just wouldn't put it past him.