PokerStars Tweaks its Time to Act

Poker Stars

Over the coming weeks PokerStars will be making changes to its ring game time to act rules. they are changing it in a way that is more in line with the way players use their software rather than simply having fast and slow tables. The time you are allowed to act will differ depending on where you are during the hand. For example, if on the first round of betting no-one has raised and the action comes to you, then you will have less time to act than in later rounds of the same hand when there has been a raise. It's a good change as it simply gives you more time when you may need it and cuts out some time when you have a simple decision to make. There are at present fast and normal tables and these have two different settings in that the time to act warning is set at 8 seconds on fast and 15 seconds on normal and the cards are mucked in 1 second on fast tables and 2 on normal....these times will be standardized. The main change of course is the time to act and this will be rolled out gradually over the next few weeks, and players will see banners in the lobby letting them know that changes have been made. Players will also lose the functionality to filter the fast and normal tables. The changes will affect both Texas Holdem tables and Omaha tables as Stars noticed that the general time it took players to act was very similar and Omaha players tend to play less concurrent tables than Holdem players. These changes are small but seem to be sensible ones and don't forget it's only ring games that will be affected and tournaments will stay exactly as they are.