The Bovada Poker Cash Persuit

Bovada Casino
Bovada has come up with a new and innovative promotion to get you excited in the new year. The Cash Persuit (Yes, we realize it's spelled incorrectly, but that's the name of it!) runs all the way through January and makes a little headway into February too. There are four weeks and therefore four chances to win. You need to be playing poker on a daily basis to win this one, but it's worth it. Firstly, there are two levels to the promo, so on level one you will need to earn ten poker points during four days of the week and in return Bovada will give you a $15.00 bonus. Should you earn ten points on every single day of the week, you will get a $20.00 bonus. To get to level two you will need to up your game a little and earn 25 points over four days to receive a $25.00 bonus, and should you grind it out a little and reach 25 points on all seven days then you will land a nice $30.00 bonus. As part of Cash Persuit Bovada are also giving away ten brand new mini iPads. Everyone that made the grade and got hold of the bonus in any of the four weeks will be entered into a draw that is held on each of the four Mondays. The more poker you play the more points you earn and therefore the more tickets to the draw you will be given. For example, should you earn 25 points on all seven days in week four, you get the bonus and four tickets to the draw. It's a great little promotion to get the year started and the only thing you need to do is to make sure you are subscribed to the Bovada promotions email.