Nevada's Ultimate Poker to enter New Jersey Market

Mansion Casino

Ultimate Poker, the first and as yet only regulated real money poker site in the state of Nevada is spreading its wings and has signed a deal with Trump Maj Mahal Associates which will enable them to offer their product in New Jersey too. The deal means that Ultimate Poker will be supplying real money online poker using their proprietary software, and their own branding. Since the launch in April this year numbers of players have been steady, with no real improvement, which is to be expected with such a small number of players being allowed to play on the site, obviously due to regulations. Tom Breitling, Chairman of Ultimate Gaming is clearly delighted with the deal and said about it, "Today we are excited to be entering into an agreement with Trump Taj Mahal Associates to bring online gaming to New Jersey, this represents a huge step forward in our desire to offer Americans across the nation the opportunity to enjoy safe and regulated online games."

There is still much debate surrounding the regulated US market, and the real way things are going to work out are a long way from being decided. There are many 'theories' of what's the best way to do things, state by state, state by state with national and international compacts or even federal regulation, however as far as the short term goes this is good news for Ultimate Poker. Tobin Prior, CEO of Ultimate Poker added a few words too with, "We feel our technology is a major advantage, our proprietary software has been proven to meet regulatory requirements and allows for continuous investment and product development. The technology was acquired in 2011 and developed by a U.S. based company with a completely clean regulatory profile." The delight seems to be shared on the other side of the country too as Trump Entertainment Resorts CEO Robert Griffin added, "Ultimate Gaming is a pioneer in the online gaming space and can provide a turnkey solution for our online gaming needs in New Jersey, we are delighted to be working with a trusted partner that has a proven track record." I think 'proven track record' may not be the best phrase that sums up Ultimate Poker, as April is not far behind us, however they are building for the future, whatever that may be.