New Jersey says No to PokerStars

Poker Stars

Things may all be going just fine in the New Jersey online gambling venture for most, but it's most definitely not for the online poker giant PokerStars. In major news, The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement has suspended the review of PokerStars application for a license for at least 2 years. This closes the whole will they, won't they debate regarding participating in New Jersey online least for the foreseeable future. According to Forbes all roads lead back to Isai Scheinberg and the unresolved alleged violations against gambling statutes. The fact that Scheinberg was amongst 11 of those that were indicted on Black Friday is of course playing a huge part in the license application dismissal and he still faces charges of conspiracy to violate UIGEA, money laundering and operating an illegal gambling business.

It's believed that Scheinberg is now out of the picture and left around mid 2012, but with his whereabouts still unknown and him still facing charges in the US this was always going to be the stumbling block for PokerStars. After the announcement, Eric Hollreiser of PokerStars commented that, "We are disappointed that the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement has suspended the review of our application at this time. We note that the DGE will resume the review of our application if our circumstances change. We will remain in open dialogue with the DGE and will update them on changes in our situation as they occur." DGE officials did state that if circumstances changed they may consider a request to take another look at the application before that 2 year period was up.

This does of course mean that the deal between PokerStars and Resorts is in limbo, and it's anyone's guess as to where they go from here...quite possible nowhere for at least another 2 years.