PKR Poker Launches Android App
Whilst Mobile Poker continues to grow, PKR won't be found to be too far behind anyone, and they continue with a focus on this area. PKR, well known for their 3D poker offering has launched a brand new Android app, having released a great version for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch earlier in the year. It's another step in reaching those mobile players and PKR Chief Operating Officer Leon Walters stated that, "We've always appreciated the importance of offering our unique software across a wide range of mobile devices, and this Android version is the latest advance in an exciting direction for PKR," and, “With the ground-breaking apps our team has built, we're now ready for a full scale assault on the mobile market."
The app itself offers real money ring games at stakes between $0.01/$0.02 to $25/$50 as well as a good variety of sit and go's with buy in's starting at just $0.10 moving all the way up to the huge games at $1,000. An extended range of games is likely to be released later this year which will include multi table tournaments along with plenty of other features. It's another addition to the increasing mobile poker market however due to the fact that PKR have always focused very heavily on the visual side of the online game then it is a little different to most. Launched back in 2006, they have become extremely popular for the graphics and characters that can be customized to incorporate body language, expression and chip tricks that many recreational players find entertaining. The new app is of course free to download, and you may do just that directly from their website, and any mobile device that uses the Andriod operating system will work just fine.