SSP News: California Bill to be Reintroduced Next Week
A staff member for Senator Roderick Wright has stated that the California online poker bill could and probably will be reintroduced next week. Besides crossing a few "T's" and dotting a few "i's" the bill is ready and good to go. Senator Wright is the sole sponsor of the bill but has support from Senator Darrel Steinberg. The California bill has had a rough ride, having been introduced previously only to meet opposition from various sources. These include bricks and mortar card rooms, members of the horse racing industry and members of tribal groups. There is however a big difference this time round as with the disbanding of COPA (The California Online Poker Association) which represented many bricks and mortar operations and 29 Indian gaming tribes. This however makes the passing of the bill a certainty as pressure from elsewhere is sure to raise its' voice and all that Senator Wright says is that "Time will tell, we will begin where we left off".
Meanwhile In New Jersey
Monday is the big day in The Garden State as the bill which aims to legalize most forms of online gambling, including poker, casino and sports betting goes to the vote. It's widely expected that it will get the thumbs up and all that will be required is the signature of Governor Chris Christie.