Microgaming gain from Entraction Pull Out

Betway Casino

Due to what Entraction have called a "regulatory stranglehold occurring in many of the Eurozone nations" they will no longer be servicing that market. In several European countries companies offering poker need to offer a ring fenced product allowing only players from that particular country to play against each other. This means all poker rooms with Entraction need to find a new service provider, and two of those have already done so. Both Bet Victor and iGaming have both announced that they will be moving over to Microgaming and will continue to offer poker from there. Entraction was purchased by IGT last year, and since that move they have focused heavily on preparation for the US market and building a presence there. The move by these two rooms is a good move for their players as the Microgaming network has solid liquidity and a good reputation for servicing all of the skins that sit on it. They have also stated that they are in on going talks with other poker sites with a view to obtaining more. This could work well for both Migrogaming and Entraction as the former gets to take a larger market of share in Europe and Entraction get to concentrate on their US offering.